Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh Philly, How I Love Thee

Let me count the ways:

1. ...ummm
2. ahhh
3. well...

okay, okay, so we're having a hard time becoming reacquainted with each other. But let me tell you one thing: Philly's food has the south beat. No steamed veggies or fancy tofu for us northerners. Up in Philly, it's cheesesteaks, hoagies and soft pretzels all the way! And after three years of not having these things on every street corner, I'm making sure to have more than my fill of all three. Of course, this could also explain why everyone in Philadelphia is so fat and why I know that my pants are getting tighter even though I'm going to the gym more frequently (when eating grease, cheese and carbs at every meal, there's only so much a treadmill can do). While I can't say I'm necessarily ok with this, if my options are to fit in my pants again or keep eating cheesesteaks, I think I'll just buy bigger pants. I'll want veggies again one day...maybe.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thanks for Visiting

The truth is, I've been blogging in my head for months. Maybe that's because my undergrad is in writing. I walk around all day with a running monologue in my head.

I don't have a profound purpose for this blog. Lot's of my friend's have nobler reasons for writing--I can send you their links if you'd like. But I just want to talk about life. Sometimes, I'm thinking about serious stuff; I'd skip over those posts if I were you. Or I have a story in my head that's making me laugh about my little brothers or all the kids I used to nanny. You'll get to know them if you stick around.

My goal is just to love life. This doesn't come naturally to me--I'm a full-bred cynic. But there is no joy in cynicism. And life needs joy.

So thank you for visiting my little blog. I'll be honored if you come back. I'm sorry if my posts offend you. I hope that doesn't happen too, too often.